Learning to choose Pleasure As A Higher Calling!

Whenever we’re presented with choices, decisions and options, how can we discern, know for sure, choose the best? When I consciously decided to choose Pleasure As A Higher Calling, it was the beginning of trusting myself to choose in my own and another’s best interest.
Have you ever noticed how our minds will intellectualize, rationalize, confuse us, negotiate with us, trick us, double~cross us, make amends with us no matter how we choose, and in the end it will either congratulate or chastise us?
Of course, we must utilize our minds. What a great resource for gathering information they are! Our minds love to sort through, mull things over, categorize, sift, cull and finally present us with a choice, a decision or an option. But truly, isn’t the only way to really know what is best for us at any given moment a more simple process that has nothing to do with rational thinking?
It’s a process that has everything to do with personally and intimately knowing for ourselves what is right for us. This is another kind of thinking that comes from the heart, or it can feel like thinking from the gut. It’s intuitional. It is either a Tingle or a Misfire. You can feel it.
Once our minds have assembled all the data concerning the choice we need to make and the activity of discernment and processing is fulfilled, we're ready to make our decision. The decision might make perfect sense. It might be logical. It might be prudent. It might be a no~brainer. It might even seem like the best choice, the rational choice, maybe the only choice. But if there is no Tingle, if there is no passion, if there is no energy or positive thrust in the direction of your choice - it’s a Misfire.
Think back to the times you made a choice based on the best available information. You proceeded in that direction based on what was your head, what your mind insisted it wanted. Sometimes this is the best option, especially if we think our decision will result in Pleasure, right? But its only best if our hearts are also aligned with our decision and our inner knowing has not raised red flags as warnings that our minds have decided to willfully ignore. It’s those red flags, that churning in the gut or lack of passion that rounds out true discernment.
Here are some examples from my personal past experience to help illustrate this point:
When I was young, in the 70’s actually, I married for what my mother and aunties considered the acceptable right reasons. They may have been right, but for the fact that I was too young and not really in love which wasn’t the best way to begin and of course, ultimately resulted in divorce.
There was once a significant financial choice I made, with ruinous results. I invested in what was to be a sure thing on paper, except for the unsubstantiated and ultimately false supporting data. And I knew it in my gut. But at that moment wistful greed led me to ignore those red flags resulting in a huge financial loss. A huge and long-lasting Misfire!
Another significant life-changing choice I needed to make after losing my financial independence was regarding a business venture. It sounded like a great and may even have resulted in a prosperous future but for the truth that I had no passion for it.
How often do we say YES when something deep within us screams NO?
My point is that once we have utilized the best our mind can offer, our inner knowing must be the final verdict on the decision. It’s either a Tingle, a yes, go for it - or it’s a Misfire, a no, don’t do it - at least not right now. There is probably no real way to discern all the variables that will affect the future outcome of our decisions. Making the decision is only the beginning of the action that becomes our manifestation.
Haven’t we all had the experience of looking at life through the rear~view mirror? With hindsight, a decision whose outcome has gone sideways will often be accompanied by the acknowledgment of “I knew it”! And we did. It’s just that the decision was made with only a fraction of our knowing.
I’ve come to understand that we are more than one~dimensional logical beings. Especially we women. Our minds are incredible tools and we must learn to use them wisely. But just as important, and I believe perhaps even more so, is our consciously thinking/feeling hearts and guts. Many of us have been taught to mistrust our intuitions, our feelings.
This was a hurdle I knew I had to overcome. I wanted to be able to trust myself. For myself, deciding to make choices based on a Tingle, most often resulted in fulfilling my ultimate calling: Pleasure! I maintain a deep desire to become a whole being, which I feel is the goal of my spiritual evolution.
I made it my goal to become aware of and able to access all of my awesome talents and not only be able to discern the Tingle vs. Misfire that may arise, but trust that I will choose the Tingle.
My mindset is always on what will bring the most pleasure into my life and those whom I love. I choose Pleasure As A Higher Calling.
What is your experience?
What process helps you make decisions?
I’d love to hear from you.